Round 1 (Tue, May 7)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.

Aaron Couto
Aaron Silvia
Al Chaves
Alex Louro
Alfred Costa Jr.
Andy Brewer
Anthony Mederios
Armando Rosa
Barrin Soares
Ben Rose
Bill Donavan
Billy Eccles
Bobby Teixeira
Brandon Ferreira
Brandon Ferreira1
Brandon Sullo
Brian Clarke
Brian Talbot
Burke TBD
Burke TBD1
Burke TBD2
Butch Guilemette
Cesar DaPonte
Chad Crapeau
Chris Medeiros
Chris Medeiros1
Dan Antonio
Dan Quintal
Dan Sousa
Dan Sules
Danny Terio
Dave Bruno
Dave Davoli
Dave Pacheco
Dave Piette
David Perreira
Dean Travis
Derek Fortuna
Derek Viveiros
Derrick Swimm
Dylan Strollo
Eddie Melo
Empire TBD
Empire TBD1
Empire TBD2
Empire TBD3
Enzo Gozzi
Eric Lombard
Frank Maduro
George Benoit
Henry Upham
Ian McMullin
Jaime Antonio
James Rebello
Jamie Feno
Jason Lema
Jason Sardinha
Jay Cabral
Jay Roia
Jeff Borges
Jeff Sousa
Jeff Souza
Jeff Tallman
Jerry Rebello
Jim Kelly
JJ Birds TBD
JJ Birds TBD1
Joe Correia
Joe Lajoie
Joey Almeida
John Camara
John Ferreira
John Phillips
Jon Mendes
Jon Scott
Jordan Rezendes
Jorge Barboza
Jorge Pombo
Josh DiCesare
Josh Resendes
Keith Comeford
Keith Moors
Kevin Andrade
Kyle Costa
Lee Rebello
Lee Rebello1
Luc Gagne
Luis Machado
Marc Chatterton
Marcello Louro
Mark Costa
Mark Costa1
Mark Pillsbury
Mark Silva
Mat Grenon
Matt Burke
Matt Rebello
Michael Hall
Michael Lopes
Michael Mendonca
Mike Carrira
Mike Costa
Mike Louro
Mike Pacheco
Mike Tavares
Mike Tavares1
Nate Sousa
Nelson Tavares
Nick Dimartino
Ozzie Toste
Paul Albernaz
Paul Pacheco
Paulo Franca
Paulo Gonsalves
Paulo Pimental
Pete Sousa
Peter Hiotelis
Peter Pavao
Phil Louro
Phillip Priolo
Ralph Strollo
Raul Reis
Ricard Casto
Rich Macroberts
Rich Mateus
Rick Pavao
Rick Pavao1
Rick Raposo
Rick Robitaille
Ricky Arruda
Ricky Medeiros
Robert Mongeon
Rod Rezendes
Ross Rezendes
Ryan Borges
Ryan Maduro
Scott Feno
Scott Feno1
Scott Ferreira
Scott Teixeira
Scotty Alves
Sean McEwan
Shane Harris
Shane Harris1
Shane Reul
Shane Reul1
Steve Magalhaes
Thomas Clark Jr.
Tim Costa
Tim Costa1
Todd Stublick
Todd Stublick1
Tom Francese
Tom Taro
Tony Santos
Vic Ace Ventura
Victor Fernandes
Zach Leone